
10 Artists That Will Give You a Toothache

Mmm... sugar.  I love it when an artist captures that mouthwatering image of sinfully sweet delicacies.  Enjoy these scrumptious artworks.

Candy Apple by Kristine Kainer 

Birthday Cake by John Vander Stelt

Ice Cream Sundae by Jason Castillo

Sprinkled Donut by Abbey Ryan

Pastry from Strik  by Jos van Riswick

 Rainbow Sprinkle Ice Cream Cone by D Sharon Pruitt

Waffle by Martha Friedman

Cupcake by Craig Stephens

Stacked by Leelu and Piggy


  1. I can honestly say - I felt a little something in my tummy with each new picture! (which reminded me I have cheesecake in the fridge!) YUM ;) k

  2. @KerryKid - I actually stopped and got something to eat while I was writing this... the urge was too strong!

  3. Mmmm...That donut looks like I could take a bite right off the computer screen.

  4. Thank you for the inclusion, Sarah! I've "followed" several of these artists for a couple of years now, because of their creativity and individual styles. You've introduced me to a few more to watch. Thanks again for the sweet recognition. Kristine Kainer

  5. thanks so much for including my "stacked" pancake painting alongside these super talented artists... i'm flattered and grateful.
    i'm also inspired to paint something sweet again!
    best wishes,
    (leelu and piggy)

  6. These are amazing! That donut is killing me.
