
Sharpie Markers as an Art Form

There's something so pleasing about the boldness of Sharpie markers.  Drawing with a Sharpie is so much fun because the markers slide so crisply over the paper and create such a marvelous contrast with their permanent dark color.  Of course, it could just be the fumes emitting from the ink that influence your giddiness, but either way... Sharpie markers are way fun.

These are some drawings I've done over the years with Sharpie markers.  I hope you'll be inspired to try it yourself!


  1. I love that last one. I also LOVE the smell of sharpies!!!

  2. you should upload your images to www.sharpieuncapped.com - all of us at Sharpie would love to see!

  3. love these! do you do any pencil first or just go straight for the marker?

  4. Haha pen.ny, I knew I wasn't the only one!

    I will check that site out for sure, susan!

    Anon, I typically go straight for the marker. If I use pencil first, I get hung up on erasing and try to make everything "perfect" which eventually leads to "AAARGH!"

  5. My mom got me a Marks-a-lot and a pad of paper at the grocery store one Saturday morning. I spent the whole day filling that pad of paper, then went to bed in a haze. When I woke up, my eyes were crusted shut and I thought I'd gone blind.

    But that was the '70's, after all.

  6. Sharpies are a lot of fun :) Your artwork is great! I love the patterns that you made on the first one.

  7. Hmm... maybe your next self portrait should feature you with your eyes crusted shut, Nancy. Too creepy?

    Thanks Lavender!

  8. Fun drawings! I love playing with sharpies ... and most any other pen at hand!
